
Saturday, May 29, 2010

my sleeping time ~

Bleh.. post ini udah jadi dari sekian lama yang lalu sebenarnya, tapi karena maaf ada kesibukan-kesibukan yang tidak bisa ditinggalkan, dan karena masalah dengan Spee** busuk juga, jadi ketunda-tunda update blognya... Gomennasai... m(_ _)m


Mungkin sudah banyak yang tahu, kalau aku ini kalau masalah tidur, rada-rada ngaco. Hampir tiap harinya, aku tidur kurang dari recommended period, which is 8 hours, isn't it? I can sleep a lot less than that. I only need minimum 4 hours of sleeping, to stay awake through the day. Usually I sleep past midnight, around 1-2 am. Some days, I sleep around 3 am. And since I'm working now and have to get up around 5.30, well probably I get 3-5 hours of sleeping. (^^)

Ah waktu sebelum aku bekerja pun, tidurnya juga ngaco (^^!). Lebih ngaco lagi malah, bisa tidur pagi trus baru bangun sekitar 11am. Banyak yang bertanya-tanya, kok bisa aku seperti itu? Apa ga ngantuk seharian? Well, kalau dibilang ngantuk sih, not really. Usually I get sleepy during the day, if i only get less than 3 hours of sleeping, dan hari-hari sebelumnya aku sibuk keluar rumah terus. Tapi kalau selalu ngantuk sih gak juga, I'm alright. Bahkan pernah untuk 3 hari, aku tidur total hanya 8 jam hehehe.... v(^^!). Kenapa bisa seperti ini sih, sebenarnya karena bad habit. Mulai begadang tidur malam sejak SMP, makin gede makin malam jam tidurnya, sampai during high school, I always slept past 11 pm. Then came college life (^^!), I slept usually in the morning, around 4-5 am. got up around 10 am. Habis gimana yah, rasanya aneh juga, I feel more lively during the night, I guess I'm a night person actually.

The only time I get to sleep healthy (not too late and enough) was when I got a boyfriend, LOL! Because somehow I feel that I have to be healthy to take care of my loved ones, so I somehow sleep more. Tapi kalau single gini, errr...  I can do anything I want, without any concerns to anyone, since I have no one (-__-!).

Why I suddenly talk about this?

Because lately, orang-orang yang bertanya kepadaku ttg hal ini jg makin banyak. (-__-!) Hehehe.. I know they are concerned about me, they think I can get sick one day if I keep it up like this, thank you. (^^)
But do you know, why is it so hard for me to change this habit? Dan jangan heran kenapa aku bisa seperti ini.


It's already written in the cosmic for me ! Hahaha.. One of my best friend, yang kayanya kurang kerjaan banget, sempet-sempetnya nemuin website orang pinter Ki Demang. (-__-!) Dan disana ada analisa karakter menurut weton kelahiran. And when I put my birthday to be analyzed, this is what I get. (^^!) LMAO....

ps : it's freaky that most of the predictions are true, i also tried other people's birthdays as well.... Try yours! (^^)


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