
Thursday, February 18, 2010

the journey

A few weeks ago, I had to go to Singapore for a little while. My mom needed me to accompany her, as she needed to get health check-up. We were flying there with Silk Air, direct from my hometown to Singapore. When we're on board, as usual I checked out the in-flight magazine.

Like other airlines' in-flight magazines, it contains many information about places to travel. I find some of them were interesting, some were boring. I skimmed through many pages, until in the middle of the magazine, I found a great headline.

The content's actually about Japan, but I'm not gonna talk about it. It was the title that struck me. I don't remember the exact words, but it's something like this :

Life is not about the destination, but it's about the journey.

That simple sentence somehow makes me think a lot about my life. Looking back, I've been through a lot of things. In some aspects, I can still say I should be grateful that I am lucky to have lived well. I've never been starved. I live in a good house, went to great schools, had many chances too to travel to many places. But surely life couldn't be that perfect, right? Along the way, I stumbled through many difficulties too. My personal life, emotionally, is not that great. Maybe I'll write about it later in different posts. Just contemplating about it. Somehow I forget, when was the last time I actually felt happy. I don't know what true happiness is, as I think I'm not lucky in that way. When I thought I was happy, somehow I got hurt real bad. There were many occasions I wish never had happened. There are some people I wish I never met. The whole deal is enough to make me lost my faith in life.

Then came that sentence. For some time, I'm contemplating. I find the sentence is very rich in its own way, for life's really not about the destination. What kind of destination people are looking for actually? In the end, we all die. The difference is just we may die as somebody, or die as nobody. But even a nobody can leave a great legacy.

I used to have a lot of dreams, but they won't come true. I don't have the capability to make great things. I'm maybe a nobody, and may remain the same until I die. Yeah. But I'm sure, my life, although there were much bitterness, has its own richness. And I hope, you all feel the same way. Treasure every breath, cherish every moment.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Avatar & Naruto Twist

For Naruto, and Avatar-The Last Air Bender fans only. Otherwise, maybe you won't really get the jokes.

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Remember that Gaara, from Naruto, was born in Sand Country. And has the power of Jinchuuriki (a demon that is sealed within his body) that controls sand?

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Aang, the Avatar, came from Air Village. Has natural ability to control air, and has a pet since his childhood, a bison that can fly, named Appa.

Remember, in Avatar, Aang and his friends once went to the desert, to look for a library that keeps all books or information. Basically we can get all answers and knowledge in this library. They wanted to look for information about when the next sun eclipse would be, for that's when they would have the best chance to kill the enemy, the Fire Nation king.

But while they were inside the library, a group of thieves that have the ability to control sand, from nearby village in the desert, kidnapped Appa.

Aang and his friends desperately looked for Appa.


And here's the twist.

Maybe while they're looking for Appa, they met Gaara. Photobucket


P.S: The images are not my artworks.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Jealousy or Plain Paranoid?

Want to share some thoughts, that occurred to me almost a month ago actually. But I just got the time to write it here now.

You all know of course, if we're in love with someone, sometimes we got jealous. And sometimes it's over something that beyond logic. I understand that we certainly don't want to lose someone we care so much for. But where is the limit of normal jealousy, or being too scared that we can get into paranoia?

I've been involved with some guys, some of them are not serious relationships for me, so I tend not to get jealous although there were obviously some girls lusting over those exes of mine. But I've been in very serious relationships too, and I did fall in love with those lucky bastards, and I did get jealous sometimes. But I think I can safely say that I'm still not a jealousy type of girl. I can still think rationally between the lines. If there are not any signs that indicate any affairs between my guy and any girl, if they're really friends, I won't get jealous and not setting any boundaries. Basically I tend to let my guy to do whatever he likes to do, as long as he himself know the limits, and those limits are pretty flexible. I'm a believer that if you're trusted by someone, you have a responsibility to keep it, by proving it. Keeping the commitment although there are a lot of temptations, and being able to reject them, are far more rewarding, than being good because there are limits.

But maybe it's just me....

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Insiden ini bermula sebenarnya dari hal yang sepele. Dari game.

Seperti yang tentunya sudah diketahui oleh teman-teman yang ada di jaringan Facebook'ku, ada satu application game di Facebook yang aku cukup aktif main. Wall kalian tentunya pernah dan sering melihat postingan ku tentang game itu. Penjelasan simplenya, buat yang tidak memainkan, game itu web-based click game, bertema kurang lebih RPG, menuntaskan quest dan membunuh monster-monster untuk mendapatkan power dan items. Dan karena ini game adalah game social, pemain tentunya membutuhkan bantuan dari orang-orang lain.

Contohnya adalah ini :

Ada seorang teman cowo, yang sudah aku kenal dari beberapa tahun yang lalu, lewat online. Tepatnya di masa akhir kejayaan mIRC. Sebelum aku benar-benar meninggalkan dunia mIRC, aku sempat aktif di salah satu radio online, menjadi DJ radio tersebut, dan cukup menambah teman-teman. Cowo yang aku maksud, dulunya salah satu pendengar aktif radio itu, jadi otomatis lama-kelamaan jadi kenal di chatroom radio.

Tapi sebenarnya, kami hanya sekedar kenal. Hanya tahu basic information, seperti nama, umur, jenis kelamin, dan add friends di Friendster. Jarang sekali mengobrol, apalagi setelah mIRC benar-benar aku pensiunkan. Setelah Facebook muncul mengalahkan Friendster, otomatis ter-add'lah lagi orang tersebut di jaringanku. Dan tetap memang karena kami hanya sekedar kenal, kami gak pernah ada ngobrol-ngobrol.

Masalahnya timbul ketika pada akhirnya aku join game yang dimaksud, dia ternyata juga merupakan salah satu pemain aktif. Karena aku juga pemain yang memang terbilang sangat aktif memeriksa game progressku, aku kurang lebih sering mengecek juga filter newsfeed Facebook yang memuat panggilan-panggilan pemain lain. Suatu ketika, aku melihat panggilan ini, dari cowo yang dimaksud, dan berniat membantu.


Itu adalah komunikasi pertama setelah sekian lama tidak pernah mengobrol. Beberapa saat kemudian, muncul status message dari orang tersebut di newsfeed Facebook'ku.

Aku tidak menanggapi, hanya dari situ aku mengetahui kalau dia memang tengah mencari-cari monster Gold Dragon. Karena waktu itu aku tengah mengurusi monster yang lain, dan tidak ada teman-temanku yang menghadapi Gold Dragon, aku melewati saja status dia. Namun keesokan harinya, muncul lagi status update dia yang baru, yang memang aku akuin menggoda untuk aku kasih comment. Akhirnya jadi balas-balasan di status comment itu. Ternyata dia memang tengah mengincar barang yang hanya bisa didapat dari Gold Dragon, dan kebetulan ada teman-temanku yang memang bertarung melawan Gold Dragon, sebagai orang yang baik dan suka menolong :), aku kasih informasi ke orang ini.



Percakapan berakhir disitu, lalu kita asik bermain di monster masing-masing.

Sayang sekali memang terkadang beberapa barang susah didapatkan, meskipun player sudah berusaha mati-matian, faktor keberuntungan berpengaruh juga di game ini. Ternyata cowo ini keesokan harinya belum berhasil mendapat apa yang dia incar, dan kembali memanggil bantuan untuk mencarikan Gold Dragon lagi.


Sampai 2 hari kemudian, masih belum berhasil.

Keesokan harinya kami memainkan monster yang sama, aku join juga di battle dragonnya. Dan kebetulan aku berhasil mendapatkan yang dia incar. Sedangkan dia tidak, sehingga memunculkan status message seperti ini.


And lastly, the next day, another status message from him.

And guess, it turned out to be our last conversation. Huh? :)


Jadi ceritanya, kami hanyalah orang yang menjadi teman di dunia maya, hanya bersama-sama memainkan game yang sama. Saling membantu if we're feeling like it, it's not like we're always chasing after the same monster anyway, dan yah terkadang membalas comment status saja. Itu juga yang aku comment hanya yang tentang game itu, status dia yang lain mah, I won't give a damn.

Tapi malam harinya, di hari yang sama status message yang terakhir itu keluar, selagi aku asyik attacking my own other monster, tiba-tiba dia panggil di Facebook Chat. Sesuatu yang gak pernah terjadi, karena kami memang ga pernah ngobrol lagi. Dan yang membuat shock, dia bilang kalau aku jangan lagi comment-comment'in status dia, jangan lagi kasih kabar secara langsung ke dia, jika aku punya informasi link yang dia mau. Kalau aku masih mau membantu, ya aku cukup tekan Call to Arms button aja, yang akan memunculkan panggilan itu di newsfeed dia juga, jadi biar dia sendiri yang mencari-cari di newsfeed dia.

I was like, huh?
Seriously, that was the first word I uttered after reading his message.

Apparently, his girlfriend, who actually also a player in the so-called game, got jealous. Dia bercerita ke aku, kalau pacarnya pada saat itu ngambek ke dia. Cemburu karena kesannya aku sering banget comment status dia belakangan ini. Jadi dia dilarang berkomunikasi dengan aku, dan dia juga meminta aku tidak menghubungi dia.

I was thinking, errr..emangnya kita berkomunikasi ya? Emang kita pernah ngobrol-ngobrol gitu? But apparently his girlfriend doesn't see it that way. Setelah sedikit ada rasa tersinggung juga jujur aja, karena aku merasa dilabrak untuk sesuatu yang tidak aku lakukan, I was laughing out loud.

Aku terangkan ke cowo itu, emang kita ngapain? Ketemu aja kita ga pernah, chatting aja juga ga pernah. I feel sorry for his girlfriend, to be seriously in love or insecure with their relationship? Sampai seperti ini aja, she got jealous?

After that, I got into thinking, apa bener tindakanku itu melebihi batas? Aku jadi mencari orang lain. Teman cowo lain, yang jauh lebih dekat denganku daripada cowo yang pertama. Teman yang ini kenal dari jaman aku masih SMU. Dia kakak kelasku, dan pernah juga ada sedikit affair karena jaman dulu dia juga had a crush on me, dan meskipun dia sudah pindah ke negara lain setelah dia lulus SMU, we maintain a good friendship until now. Memang alasan kesibukan di hidup masing-masing tidak membuat kami sedekat yang dulu, tapi terkadang kami masih chatting jika sempat dan ada topik yang dibicarakan. Dan tentunya, aku jauh lebih sering memberi comment di status messagenya. Kayanya malah hampir setiap dia keluar status message, aku kasih comment. And they're real life status messages, not a game follow up.

Aku berkeluh-kesah dengannya, kalau aku secara ga langsung habis dilabrak gara-gara sering kasih comment katanya. Aku jadi menanyakan juga ke temanku ini, apaka aku bermasalah karena aku sering juga kasih comment ke dia. Setelah selesai, tanggapan dari temanku ini sama seperti yang aku pikirkan sih, kalau mereka berlebihan. Hal begitu aja gak seharusnya jadi alasan untuk cemburu, because it's just a game. Dia sama sekali tidak bermasalah dengan comment-commentku, begitu pula pacarnya, karena mereka in a very steady and serious relationship. Dan dia berpendapat aku dengan orang yang bermasalah itu tidak pernah bertemu begitu, kemungkinan untuk ngapa-ngapain juga minim sekali. Temanku memberikan kelegaan yang besar, dia bilang tidak ada kesalahan dari pihakku. Mungkin memang karena mereka masih belum dewasa saja, sampai-sampai bisa terganggu hanya karena urusan sepele seperti ini. Yah memang sih, cewe yang bermasalah ini aku pikir masih di bangku SMU. So I was able to laugh it off.

~ * ~

But morale of the story is, terkadang apa yang kita pikir tidak menjadi masalah, bisa menjadi masalah bagi orang lain. Batas rasional orang berbeda-beda yah, jadi terkadang kita, although we may find them ridiculous, memang mesti memaklumi aja kalau ada orang yang berbeda dengan kita.

Oh well...