When we're in a relationship, surely we do a lot of things together with our partner. Classic dates ; going to see movies, eating out for lunch or dinner, going around the city, or do shopping together, spending times together just cuddling and talking to each other, etc. Or even planning on bigger dates, like going away together to another city for a day, even having a vacation with just the two of us for some days. We can think of many things to do with our partner, because we never really think it's going to end, right? We let it flow, and even plan things ahead in the future.
And what do we get from all of those times? Memories.
We want to always remember our happy times in our lives. Some of us take pictures, some record moments, some just rely on their brains to store the memories, or else, we each have our own ways to reserve the memories.
I have a good ability to remember important stuffs. Well.. important stuffs for me. So i don't really need to save and keep everything to reserve the memories. But it doesn't make me being ignorant. In fact, I'm a bit obsessive. When there is something that means a lot to me, even though it can mean like nothing for other people, I'd keep it.
So of course when I'm in the happiest relationship in my life, and it really is the only time I truly feel happy, I try to keep everything I can keep. Things that are common, like photos, chat histories, stories in a diary, and even small things like movie tickets, store receipts, restaurant bills, our vacation tickets, anything. I even tried to keep the petals from the rose I got from him on Valentine's Day this year. It may sound ridiculous but I don't want to regret on missing something and having nothing to remember by.
Too bad roses wither... It only lasts for a week max. :'(
Sadly, often we just realize things actually matter when it's gone. When you've lost everything, that's when you can really start to appreciate and realize small meaningless things actually mean a lot to you.
Even though I have kept lots of things, it still doesn't feel enough. :)
Two days ago, I got a nice break night from my life of despair, for I was with him, we had our usual favorite date (watching movie and driving around the city), I found my new treasurable memories. Small things I never really thought of before. Things I can see in different perspective now.
I truly like to watch him driving. And the way sometimes we hold each other's hand while he's driving.
I like how he looks like when he's watching the road.
How he sings along to the song on the radio/CD.
And the way he walks. The way he talks.
Or when he holds me close to him, hugging me during the movie.
Love the way he laughs. Or when he giggles.
The sounds of his breaths. The warmth of his body. The softness when we hold hands. The touch of his lips.
When you can appreciate tiny things like that, it feels so content, and I assure you, you wish you can just freeze the time, right there.
Don't just remember the big things like gifts (oh but i got an unexpected gift :)) or anniversaries or else, because it gets boring easily. We can't always expect to have great things all the times.
Appreciate and reserve small things too. Things that seem so mundane and cheesy, they become the sweetest thing if you're in love.
Treasure them, so much in your heart, for things like this that make our lives colorful.
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