
Monday, October 15, 2007

What it feels like ....

From today's MX newspaper, I found something that interest me.

Oxygen a breath so vital

Want to know what it's like to die? This week's New Scientist discusses the possibilities, from being burned alive to drowning and decapitation.

Whatever the mode, it's usually a lack of oxygen to the brain that is the cause, the report says, using evidence from scientific advances and accounts from survivors.

Drowning : Survivors have said there is a "tearing and burning" sensation as water enters the lungs, followed by a feeling of calm. Oxygen deprivation results in loss of consciousness, the heart stopping and brain death.

Bleeding to death : Marked by several stages of "haemorrhagic shock". Anyone losing 1.5 litres felt weak, thirsty and anxious. Losing two litres led to dizziness, confusion and eventual unconsciousness.

Fire : Burns inflict intense pain and only boost pain sensitivity as superficial nerves are destroyed.

Decapitation : Painless but consciousness can continue briefly. Experts calculate the brain may function for seven seconds.

Electrocution : A household shock might stop the heart, leading to unconsciousness in about 10 seconds. Higher currents through the heart or brain can mean almost immediate unconsciousness, but it has been claimed electrocuted prisoners diedfrom heating of the brain or suffocation.

Fall : Survivors reported the sensation of time slowing down.

Heart attack : A "squeezing" chest pain or pressure is the common symptom. onsciousness is lost in about 10 seconds, with death minutes later.

Now I know what Marie Antoinette felt when she was decapitated. I used to think that decapitation is really cruel, but apparently it's painless. Interesting. So it's not really cruel then. I begin to think that it's actually really good. Painless death.
Well unless the tool is blunt, and it's not done in one swing. Could end up like Nearly Headless Nick. Ouch .. must be really painful.

I always say, I don't want to die from drowning and fire. The corpse always looks terrible. =p. Oooh and of course from fall. I don't want my organs to be splattered on the ground. Must be difficult to collect the remains. And there's a possibility I might lost a small part of my body, right ? =p

The others are painful too....

So decapitation is the best way to die, isn't it ? Interesting ....

Saturday, October 13, 2007

B'day dinner @ Blue Fire

On 12th October, after work.

We three, me, Utie, Lillian, went back to city to meet with Mellissa & Arum to have dinner. They didn't know at first that I want to treat them, because I want it to be spontaneous.

This is me and Lillian.

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Me and Mellissa, Utie, Arum.

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The restaurant is located at Melbourne Central Shopping Centre, level 3, beside Hoyts Cinema Ticket Booth.
It's pricey of course, because it's a fine-dining restaurant. But the food's great.

My drink : Choc Rock ( chocolate milkshake ).

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My food :
Porterhouse 280gm steak with mushroom and garlic jus served with potato gratin and roast field mushrooms.

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Utie's order :
Rib eye 350gm steak with mushroom and garlic jus served with potato gratin and roast field mushrooms.

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Our shared entree :
Truffle scented mushroom and caramelized onion tartlet.

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Lillian's order :
Char-grilled Marlin steak over warm nicoise style vegetables with tomato pesto.
She said it's good but dry.

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Mellissa's order :
Grilled whole flounder with caper butter sauce & garlic chat potatoes.

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Arum's order :
Pan seared chicken breast over potato puree & semi dried tomatoes with sage jus.

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I ate big that night, so full.
Thanks girls, I had a great night.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Thank you ...

A big thank you for all these people for still remembering my birthday :

@ Yahoo! Messenger
+ Eric Tumbelaka ( the very first person who congratulate me .. )
+ Herman Sam
+ Sanny Iskandar ( cacan ) *muach muach...*
+ Hodrick Kwan ( WarBreaker )
+ Juwono Dj
+ Yoseph

@ DOMO Indo
Felix H. yang sampe nulis di Guild Announcement.
+ dan semua anak-anak guild Yellow Turban yang waktu itu nyelametin, gak hafal siapa aja (^^)v

@ Handphone
+ My beloved mom ..
+ My beloved brothers ..
+ Sally Purnama
+ Mellissa Hidajat
+ Onny Hermadi
+ Roland

@ MSN Messenger
+ Huan
+ Sylvia
+ Jessica Tsang

@ Email & Kaskus
+ bot Kaskus (*lho??*) yang otomatis kirim email ke orang yang ultah .. makasih admin ..
+ azrita
+ totti11

@ Friendster
+ Felix lagi ..
+ Shidiq Junaidi
+ Rony
+ Mitra
+ Prabawa Brodjonegoro
+ Antonny
+ Mona
+ Tommy Tri
+ Mirzha Arista

Hmm... Kayanya udah. Semoga gak ada yang ketinggalan.
I really appreciate it. It's a small gesture, but really means a lot for me.
Thank you.

Semoga amal ibadahnya diterima di sisi-Nya. *lho???*

Yang gak inget, semoga jatuh kepleset pisang. Mwahahahaha......

Monday, October 8, 2007

I'm tagged ... =)

Being tagged by Dita, to tell some facts about me. I gotta say, I'm not sure at first about what to tell. Spent quite some time to think about it.

Okay, here we go....

Rules :

  • Each blogger must post these rules
  • Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves
  • Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
  • Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog.

8 Habits:

  1. I have sweet tooth. Can't resist dessert. Especially chocolate. ( No wonder I'm fat ... (-__-;) )
  2. I chew on straws. I don't know when it started, it's really long time ago, and why. Maybe I just like to play with it.
  3. I do things slowly. I don't like to rush. Sometimes I'm also procrastinating. One thing about me that my mom really hates. =(
  4. I like reading. I can read anything.
  5. I like to have cold drinks better.
  6. Maybe because I can't have any food or drink that's hot. I like to wait for it to cool down or blow to it first before I consume it.
  7. I can sleep in every position, but mostly I sleep on my side. Especially on my left side.
  8. I like to observe people. So I often look around. Even in the restaurant. I know some people find it a bit rude when someone doesn't look at them when talking, but sometimes I do that. I will look at them when I talk to them, but after a while, I sometimes look around.

People whom I want to tag are:

I don't know.. Everybody who reads my blog deh.... (@_@)

Can you believe I spent almost 2 hours to write about these things ? (o_O)