
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

my brother's sick

this is the first time i write about my brother LOL xD ..
i don't know why, suddenly i have an urge to write something here.. well at least it will take my mind off my problems a bit ...

my second brother, who's back at home in Solo, is sick right now ..
he got Dengue Fever ( i can't believe i have to google for this term , damn brain freeze ! ), and had to stay in the hospital .. he checked in to the Kasih Ibu hospital 2 days ago because the doctor said that his thrombocytes wasn't high enough ..
and there are some problems which are, my mom's a busy working single mom .. and right now i think we don't have enough servants, and my brother's fiancee's already back at her home in Sby .. so 2 days ago, when i called my mom, i listened to her moaning about how busy she is..

and there's a sensitive topic in her moaning.. its about the fiancee..
you see, my mom expects that she would come straightaway after hearing that her fiancee's sick ..
after all, they're gonna get married this December..
and what happened was, (this is what i heard) my mom called and recommended her to take train instead of travel-car, so she could come quickly, and she said that she would come, and my mom expected to hear some news about her arrival soon ..
but what happened is, my brother's fiancee didn't make any call or contact to confirm it .. well to my mom, i'm sure she contacted my bro .. i don't know about what exactly happened, maybe she's busy or still waits for the right time or i don't know ..
what bugs my mom, my mom thinks it's not appropriate to hear your fiancee's about to go to the hospital and you seem like you don't care..

i'm sure my bro's fiancee cares for my brother, it's just she doesn't act fast enough ..
she thinks the right thing to do is just go soon as possible, with no delaying, because well she's not working anyway.. and it's her fiancee .. the person whom she will spend her life with .. there's a feminism issue here, women are supposed to serve and care for men .. =D
that's what my mom said, and she thinks that my bro's fiancee's family didn't teach her that ..
instead, my mom said, that if similar thing happen to me, she will persuade me to rush to my spouse ... straight away, quick, as soon as possible ... ! =D
and yeah .. the conversation developed into different topic, about the differences in chinese families, in this or that ethnical groups, like you know chinese people also have different tribes, in their traditions, and their educations, norms understandings, etc etc.
okay i know it's a bit racist ..
my mom actually warns me to never look for a man from specific groups ..
and then i said, " how can i differ them ? everyone looks the same " ..
then she said, " you can know by asking what group they're in or looking at their families .. "
and then i thought, how the hell i can do that ?? is it polite to do so ? and i don't even know the differences .. xD

anyway ..
it's not a really important topic .. xD
it's just making me thinking how hard it is , for me , to be told like that ..
isn't it hard enough to find a good, mature, well-mannered, loving man ... without adding another filter like that ? xD

ps : i haven't heard anything about my brother, maybe he's still in the hostpital ..
~ mohon doa teman2 sekalian supaya kk saya cepat sembuh ~

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


gue sebenernya gak tau mau nulis apaan ..
jujur 3 bulan terakhir ini gue gak tau apa yang terjadi ama gue ..
gue lagi menjadi seseorang yang gue benci banget ..
awal tahun kemaren gue pikir, 2007 bakal jadi tahun yang beda buat gue .. tahun yang baru, tahun yang lebih baek, tahun yang akan memberi banyak harapan buat gue ..

tapi kenyataannya saat ini gue masih berada di tempat yang sama..
tempat yang gue benci ..
yaitu titik dimana gue merasa menjadi loser ...

gue pengen teriak !!
gue capek !
ketegaran gue selama ini makin lama makin terkikis ..
mungkin bagi orang lain, gue cengeng .. gue lemah.. gue anak kecil ..
iya kali yah ?
ternyata gue gampang jatuh sekarang ..

gue gak tahu sih musti cerita apa ke sapa ..
mau nulis disini aja gue jadi sering bingung, ngadepin lembaran putih kosong, gak tahu blank mau nulis apa ..
malu juga gue untuk cerita disini ..

yang jelas yang gue rasakan akhir2 ini gue kalut ..
stres yang datang bertubi2 ..
gak kasih gue waktu istirahat sedikitpun ..
tapi mungkin ini semua salah gue ..
gue yang terlalu berharap kalau semua akan baik-baik saja ..
ternyata gue masih harus berjuang terus ..

tapi gue capek, gmana donk ?
gue capek idup, jujur .....

ah tau ah ..
semoga aja gue besok masih punya keinginan untuk bernapas ....

omong2 gue baru nyadar kalo skrg gue bokek berat ..
yeap, im flat broke ..
nambah satu lagi deh depresi gue .....
haiz ....